Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Andrew Goodwin (1992)

A media theorist who wrote a book called ‘dancing in the Distraction Factory’ he suggests that there is 6 key feature that are in music videos and 5 ways in which they analyse music videos.

  1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics- certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music, for example a girl artist are expected to have a dancer and close ups of the singer
  2. There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. The lyrics are represented with images- themes, mise-en-scene and events of the video match with the lyrics of the song, to help portray the message across. For example a lyric could be 'love', then in the music video we see people showing this affection.
  3. There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (mood/ tone). The tone and atmosphere of the visuals reflect that of the music- the cuts and edits of the video are in sync with the rhythm and the beat of the song matching cuts or effects to specific drum beats or notes. For example if the song is a depressing song about  break up, Andrew discovered it would match the tone and also show depressing things.
  4. The demands of the record label will include the need of lots of close ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style)- this allowed the record label to promote a set image for the band/artist, which will help target audiences empathise with the band/artist. 
  5. There is a frequent reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, mirrors, stage, etc.) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female boy- the ‘male gaze’ is often used to attract a male audience. The male gaze is a focus on presenting things that appeal to men.
  6. There are often intertextual references (to films, tv programmes, other music videos) music videos reference other forms of media, most commonly film, but can also be tv or other music videos

5 ways to analyse a music video

Thought Beats

1. This is where you look at the music itself. we have to take into account the STRUCTURE  of the song. We are able to identify the artist via the way in which every thing is shown on the video and the distinct voice.
2. The VOICE  of the song and where the artists voice is extremely unique and can dorm identification or trademarks that work well with the star.
3. THE ARTISTS MODE OF ADDRESS- this is where the songs can be seen as stories and the artist has become the storyteller, making the music video a two communication device. 

 narrative and performance 
Goodwin suggests in terms of narrative and performance either there is a link between the visuals and songs or there is a link between the genre of the music and narrative. he also thinks it can be just performance base. 
2. Music videos should have coherent repeatability. This means the audience can watch videos over and over without becoming bored.

Star Image

1. The STAR IMAGE is another vital aspect of music videos.
2. Meta narrative 'BIG STORY' which describes the development of the star over time. This has a important part to play within music videos.
3. This pays attention to the stars costume (clothing),persona and style.
4. Some music videos continue the same styles as they have a specific identification 'badge'. An example of this could be Nelly wearing the blaster, juxtaposition with Mileys massive change.
5. How the audience relates to the star, the star images will depend on whether on likes or dislikes them.

Relation of visuals to the song

There are a few ways in which videos work to promote a song; illustrate, amplify and disjuncture.
Illustrate- the video relates the lyrics of the song
Amplify- the video relates to the lyrics of the song however over emphasizes it
Disjuncture- the video does not relate to the lyrics of the song at all.

Technical Aspects

1. All of the technical aspects that make up a music video
2. camera work, movement, angle, mise-en-scence, editing, sound and special effects.
3. Speed, camera movement, editing, cutting and post production are all forms of use of the camera.
4. Lighting and colour help to set moods and emphasis key movement of the song for dramatic effects.
5. Mise-en-scene, the setting of music videos is vital as it needs to look authentic to attain professionalism

Types of Music Videos

3 main types of music video:

  1. Performance- based videos show only the band/artist performing the song. It’s the cheapest version, large variety of shots 
  2. Narrative- based music videos contains mostly footage that shows a story line that runs throughout, or sometimes several storylines running parallel to each other. Related to lyric or film, TV programme. Easier to watch as you’re following a story, elements of performance. Found more in sentimental songs (love songs)
  3. Conceptual- videos area based around a single concept or idea. Nothing to do with the artist or lyrics. And idea that is different to everything therefore it stands out from the rest (A random idea that could have special effects in it).



